CareerCube: Your Partner in Talent Development

Designed for growing organizations: The quick and user-friendly solution to empower and retain your workforce


Career Skills Cubed

At the Career Cube, we blend the essential ingredients to equip individuals and organizations for the rapidly changing landscape of tomorrow. Just like a Rubik’s cube, navigating your career and business challenges requires strategy, adaptability, and creativity. Our innovative training solutions empower you to tackle each twist and turn, ensuring that every piece falls into place.
Each of Career Cube’s six sides represents a crucial element of growth and achievement:

PEOPLE: Master the art of connecting and collaborating with others to build strong relationships.

PURPOSE: Discover how to make a meaningful impact while staying true to your values and integrity.

SELF: Build the essential skills you need to set yourself up for success.

MINDSET: Unlock your natural perspective and shape it into a powerful point of view for tackling challenges.

RESULTS: Learn to focus, execute, and achieve your goals effectively.

ROADBLOCKS: Conquer the inevitable obstacles with proven strategies to mitigate—or even eliminate—them.

Just like solving a Rubik’s Cube, every piece of your career puzzle has a place. With Career Cube, you’ll have the tools to turn every challenge into an opportunity and align all the pieces for a fulfilling and impactful career.

Buy a course bundle that fits your needs

Buy a course bundle that fits your needs

Course bundles are created around trending themes, professional needs and according to the Career Cube's six sides of career success.

Or choose a single course

Trending Themes

Role Effectiveness

Cube Sets

Note that the bundles under Role Effectiveness and Trending Themes have overlapping courses. The Bundles under Cube Sets are all unique without overlaps between themes.

Or choose a single course

Browse through 54 courses that address all of tomorrow's skills and competencies.

With english and Spanish subtitles

Text on screen and voice overs are in English; but all materials are subtitled in English and Spanish.

From as little as 
$/€7 or £6 a month

Buy one course for $/12, or take a subscription. Fees start at $/7 per user per month for collective subscriptions, and $/17 for individual subscriptions.
The minimum subscription period is 5 months.
Note that prices shown are including VAT/Sales Tax (if applicable)

From as little as 
$/€7 or £6 a month

Buy one course for $/12, or take a subscription. Fees start at $/7 per user per month for collective subscriptions, and $/17 for individual subscriptions.
The minimum subscription period is 5 months.
Note that prices shown are including VAT/Sales Tax

What you get

  • Online Courses for Immediate Impact

    Courses designed to drive real-world results


  • Personalized Progress Dashboard

    Easily track your team’s learning journey


  • Ongoing Support

    Under 24 hours response time. We simply care about our clients


  • Official Course Certificates

    Validate your achievements with official certificates


  • Motivating Rewards System

    Incentivize learning with a unique treats system


  • Global Community Forums

    Students connect with peers for enhanced learning

  • Transformative Courses for Immediate Impact

    Courses designed to drive real-world results

  • Personalized Progress Dashboard

    Easily track your team’s learning journey

  • Ongoing Support

    Under 24 hours response time. We care about our clients.

  • Official Course Certificates

    Validate your achievements with official certificates

  • Motivating Rewards System

    Incentivize learning with a unique treats system

  • Global Community Forums

    Connect and collaborate with peers for enhanced learning

Career Cube blog

Presented by the editors of Career Cube, we bring you the latest insights in the world of careers, covering trending topics and addressing the most pressing questions that matter to you.

career cube blog

Presented by the editors of Career Cube, we bring you the latest insights in the world of careers, covering trending topics and addressing the most pressing questions that matter to you.

No Blogs Found

Book a call and check the best fit for your organization

(English only)

“Where strategy, adaptability, and creativity empower you to master every twist on the path to success.”