

We all got talents that are under-used. It’s time to change that. 

Applying our personal talents the right way will get us well paid careers, rewarding careers, careers that leave an imprint in the world. This will make use live more satisfying lives, more independent lives.

Only a few of us get the chance to go to that university that sets you up for success and wealth. 

But experience shows that you can get there in other ways. 

We put quite a bit of time in researching what makes people shine.  That’s partly based on our experience working with people like Jeff Bezos, Andy Jassy, Phil Knight and Jason Kilar. But we also took over two years examining success models at big name corporates. 

We then took those elements and created CareerCube.io. 

It comes down to a large offer of online courses centered around key skills or key competencies that will do the trick. 

And in addition, you can join forums with peers around the world. And this is to exchange views and experiences. Let’s call it an active version of LinkedIn. 

And we made it affordable to everyone. Because we believe that everyone deserves the right for deploying their talents, get wealthy if you like, make a difference in the world. 



Jeff Leinaweaver, Ph.D., GPHR, American, co-founder, is a senior human resources leader and certified sustainability professional with a unique track record of helping some top organizations address challenging talent acquisition, workforce planning, and leadership development and sustainability/ESG needs. He works at the University of Washington and writes on sustainability, and intercultural management, and wrote or contributed to several books and publications on Storytelling.
Listen to an interview with Jeff in Great Conversations about how ‘finding meaning’ is how we lead our lives.
Rogier Rijnja, Dutch, co-founder, has an extensive background in executive human resources roles with American and European multinational companies. (Apple, Nike, Amazon, Reckitt Benckiser, Sara Lee/JDE, Danone/Numico). Rogier did Law School. He is an executive coach and entrepreneur. And he is a board member of the Bennink Foundation, a charity that supports global projects in Health care, Wildlife, Children and Art.
Our international team brings indepth experience in executive management, human resources management, higher education, career counseling, coaching, design, journalism, singing (!), meditation and writing. We work or worked at a variety of international organizations: tech, consumer goods, music, automotive, sporting goods, e-commerce, health, education, public services and retail.

Supported By Experts

We are supported by a broad network of advisors in psychology, counseling, design, tech, finance and business, in the US and Europe.

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If you regret your purchase for whatever reason, we offer you a refund of the money paid, if requested within 14 days of purchase. Please check our Refund Policy for details. Also check our Terms of Service, that apply when taking one of our subscriptions. In our Privacy Policy we detail how we protect your data, and more.
“Everyone deserves success. How this translates is personal: it could be wealth, impact, independence. Career Cube aims to unlock your personal talents to get you there.
We’ve seen and done it, and offer our learnings to you, backed up by extensive research, and taking best practices of companies that spearhead talent development .”